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Oneflow actions

Add a Oneflow action

A wide range of Oneflow events can be added as actions to a Zap.

To add a Oneflow action to your Zap, simply perform the following steps.

  1. Log in to Zapier.
  2. Click on + Create Zap.
  3. Add a trigger event of your choice.
  4. Test your trigger to make sure it works.
  5. Click on the Action card to configure it.
  6. Search for Oneflow by typing it in the search field.
  7. Select Oneflow as the app for the action.
  8. Select an Event from the events dropdown.
  9. Connect to your Oneflow account.

    To connect a Oneflow account to Zapier, you'll require a Oneflow token. For more information on how to obtain a Oneflow token, see Getting started with Oneflow x Zapier.
  10. Add the required inputs (parameters) for the action.

    Refer to the sections below for more details on the required inputs for each Oneflow action.  
  11. Test the action.
  12. Publish your zap.

Add an attachment or expanded PDF

Use this action to add an attachment (like a PDF) to an existing contract.


  • The Oneflow contract template should contain a PDF Document and an Attachment section to be able to add an attachment or a PDF to a contract. To learn more, see Attach documents or files.
  • Only one PDF document can be added as an expanded PDF to a contract. 
  • Up to 30 files can be added as attachments, each of which does not exceed 20 MB, for a total of 50 MB per contract. 
  • The following file extensions are allowed: ASICE, BMP, CSV, DOC, DOCX, DOTX, GIF, JPEG, JPG, KEY, NUMBERS, ODS, PAGES, PDF, PNG, PPSX, PPT, PPTX, RTF, TIF, TIFF, TXT, XLS, XLSB, XLSM, XLSX. 

Action inputs

The following are the input fields related to the Add Attachments or Expanded PDF action.

InputDescriptionField TypeRequired?Sample Input
Add Attachment asWhom will this action run as? Determined by the type of email that is added: Creator Email or User Email.DropdownYes

User Email/

Creator Email

Oneflow Email

The email address used in the Oneflow account.                                            

Text Box


(If the email type is set to ‘User Email’)

[email protected]

File Name

Name of the file without the extension.


If left blank, the name of the uploaded file will be used as the file name within the Oneflow contract as well.     

Text Box


Notest filename
FileEncoded file data, i.e. the list of files to be uploaded to the contract in binary, a publicly downloadable link, or base64 format.

Maximum file size should not exceed 20MB.                                          
Text BoxYes 

Contract ID

The unique identifier for the contract.                                                 

Text Box


Upload As

Files can be uploaded and added to the contract as attachments or one PDF can be added as an expanded PDF.


Expanded PDF

Action output

When the above input attributes are provided and the action is run successfully, the following output is obtained (for both attachment types). 

uploadStatus: success

  • You may also access a list of additional fields to retrieve from a prior event (trigger or action) by clicking the ‘Custom’ tab.

Add participant

This action is used to add a new participant to an existing Oneflow contract. Once a zap with this action runs, a new participant with the provided details is added to the specified contract. 


There can be a maximum of 40 participants across all parties in one contract.

Action inputs

The following are the inputs for the ‘Add participant’ action. 

InputDescriptionField TypeRequired?Sample Input

Add Participant As

Lets you select the type of participant that will be added through the Add Participant action.

Select whether the participant should be added to the specified contract as a user or a creator

When the ‘user’ option is selected, the relevant user email can be selected from the next drop-down.



Oneflow Account

The Oneflow account used for the "add participants as" action.

The Oneflow account only needs to be specified if the participant being added is a 'user'.

If the creator option is selected, the default Oneflow account is connected.

A dropdown list of users connected to the Oneflow account will be listed to be selected. 

Additionally, values from previous/other actions can also be provided in the custom tab of the same field.


Yes* (If the participant 

type is set to ‘User’)

[email protected]

Contract ID

The identifier for the contract.

Text Box


Participant Type

The type of participant in the contract. 

  • Participant/Colleague: Adds a new participant to the existing counterparty or contract owner party.
  • Company: Adds a new "Company" type counterparty.
  • Individual: Adds a new "Individual" type counterparty.
Drop downYes
  • Participant/ Colleague
  • Company
  • Individual

Company Name

The name of the company (If the participant type is selected as a company).

Text Box


(If the participant type is selected 

as a company)

Sample Company

Company Registration No.

The registration no. of the company. (If the participant type is selected as a company).

The maximum no. of characters for this field is 25. 

Text Box


Party ID

The unique identifier of the party, to which the participant should belong to.

A party represents a legal entity in a contract.

The value for party id can be chosen from the outputs of the previous actions too. I.e. get contract details. 

I.e. This can be used to add colleagues to an existing company. 

Text Box

(If the participant type is selected as Participant/

Participant Name

First name and the last name of the participant.

Text Box

YesJohn Doe

Participant Email

Email address of the participant.

Text Box


[email protected]

Participant Contact Number

The telephone number of the participant.

Text Box


+46 xxx xxx xxx

Role in Contract

The role of the participant in the contract:

  • Signatory: a party that can sign the contract, edit, and add comments.
  • Influencer: a party with access to the contract who can edit and add comments.
  • Viewer: a party with access to the contract who can add comments.




Action output

When this action is triggered/tested and is successful, the following output is obtained. 

participantId : 126797
participanteEmail : [email protected]
Permission: true
deliveryChannel: email
deliveryStatus: success
identificationNumber: null
myParticipant: false
Name: Test Name
Organizer: false
createdTime: 2022-11-11T15:12:50+00:00
firstVisitedTime: null
lastVisitedTime: null
updatedTime: 2022-11-11T15:12:50+00:00
Visits: 0
signMethod: standard_esign
signState: undecided
signatory: true
title: twoStepAuthenticationMethod: none

The following table contains the explanation of each of the above output attributes.

AttributeDescriptionSample Value

The unique ID of the participant.



The participant's email address.[email protected]

Defines permissions for the contract participant.

(contract:update - Indicates whether the participant is allowed to make changes in the contract.)

deliveryChannelThe name of the delivery method of the contract. To learn more, see Available delivery channels in Oneflow.

Indicates the status of the notification that sends the contract participant. To learn more, see Available delivery statuses in Oneflow.

The date of birth, SSN, personal number, etc., of the participant.null

Whether the participant represents the current user or not.

Add product

This action is used to add a new product to a table in an existing Oneflow contract. Once a Zap with this action runs, a new product with the provided details is added to the specified table in the contract.

Action inputs

The following are the inputs for the ‘Add product’ action.

Field Type
Sample Input
Update products as

Lets you select the type of participant that will be added through the Add Product action.

Select whether the product should be added to the specified contract as a user or a creator. 

When the ‘user’ option is selected, the relevant user email can be selected from the next dropdown.




Contract ID

The Oneflow contract used for the "add product as" action.

A dropdown list of contracts connected to the Oneflow account will be listed to be selected. 

Additionally, values from previous/other actions can also be provided in the custom tab of the same field.

Product table id
The unique ID of the product table.
Product name
The name of the product.
Text Box
Product description
The description of the product.
Text Box
Single ruled, 200 pages
Base price 1
The price 1 base amount for the product. Price 1 refers to the initial fixed price.
Text Box
Price 1 discount

The discount amount for price 1 of the product.

Note: If a value is provided as an absolute number (i.e. 6.75), then this discount amount is deducted from the product's 'price 1' base price.

If a percentage value is provided (i.e. 12%), then the discount amount is calculated as a percentage of the product's 'price 1' base price and deducted from it.

Text Box

25 (200-25)

or 0.25 (200-0.25)

or 25% (200*0.25)

Base price 2
The price 2 base amount for the product. Price 2 refers to the subscription service fee.
Text Box
Price 2 discount
The discount amount of price 2 of the product.
Text Box
Quantity Type
The quantity type of the product 1 in products in the contract.
Quantity Value
The number of products (quantity).
Text Box
Lock for counterparties
Whether to lock the product fields such that counterparties in the contract cannot make changes to them.

Action output

When this action is triggered/tested and is successful, the following output is obtained.

Single ruled, 200 pages book

The following table contains the explanation of each of the above output attributes.

Sample Value
Whether to lock the product fields such that counterparties in the contract cannot make changes to them.
The description of the product.
Single ruled, 200 pages book
Id of the product
The name of the product
The price 1 base amount for the product. Price 1 refers to the initial fixed price.
The discount amount for price 1 of the product.
The discount as a percentage for price 1 of the product.
The price 2 base amount for the product. Price 2 refers to the subscription service fee.
The discount amount for price 2 of the product.
The discount as a percentage for price 2 of the product.
The number of products (quantity).
The quantity type of the product in products in the contract.

Create contract

Action inputs

This action is dedicated to creating a new contract providing the necessary attributes.


Field Type

Required?Sample Input

Oneflow Email

The email of the contract creator. 

Text Box

Yes* (If the email type is set to ‘User Email’)

[email protected]

Contract Name

Name of the contract.

Text Box


Test Contract


The name of the workspace in Oneflow.
Workspaces available for the connected account are listed as options in the dropdown. 


Test Workspace


The name of the template that is used to create the contract.
The templates available in the workspace are listed as options in the dropdown. 


Zapier Template 

How many data fields do you need to map while creating the contract?

The number of data fields you want to map while creating the contract, out of the number of data fields available in the template.

Text Box


Custom Id of field n

The list of custom field ids in the template.


Yes* (If the number of fields selected to be mapped is n, then it is mandatory to provide n number of custom ids).

Participant 1 name

Value of field n

The relevant value for the nth custom field.

Text Box

Yes* (If the number of fields selected to be mapped is n, then it is mandatory to provide n number of custom values for selected field ids).

John Doe

The workspaces and templates are loaded according to the previously selected Oneflow account. Workspace or a template can be given as custom input also from a previous action’s output, by clicking on the custom tab in the same field. 


If a certain custom data field Id is selected again, the previous value provided for the relevant field is replaced with the new value.

Action output

Once the contract is successfully created, the following output is displayed. 

AttributeDescriptionSample Value
idThe identifier of the contract.12222
nameThe name of the contract.Annual Contract
stateWhere the contract is in the signing process.
• Draft: Only the owner-side can view the contract.
• Pending: The contract is under negotiation.
• Overdue: The contract signing period has expired, and the contract can no longer be signed. It will revert to pending if the signing period is extended.
• Signed: All participants signed the contract. The contract is signed.
• Declined: One participant declined the contract. The contract is declined.
• Unknown: Used for future extensions.

signedWhether the contract is signed or not.No
workspaceIDThe ID of the workspace that owns the template used to create the contract.130809
templateIDThe ID of the template used to create the contract.57311
privateOwnerSideCreatedTimeThe time the contract was created.
(The private ownerside object contains attributes that are only visible to the owner-side party. The owner-side party is the party that created the contract.)

canDeleteContractIndicates whether the user is allowed to delete contracts. (delete permission)true
canDownloadPDFContractIndicates whether the user is allowed to download the contract as a PDF.true
canSendContractIndicates whether the user is allowed to send contracts.false
canReceiveAttachmentsIndicates if attachments can be uploaded to the contract via API.true
canReceiveExpandedPDFIndicates if a PDF document can be uploaded to the contract via API.false
contractStateUpdatedTimeTime of the last update of the contract status.2022-11-01T00:00:03+00:00
contractUpdateTimeTime of the last update of the contract.2022-11-13T05:29:53+00:00
publishedTimeThe date and time at which the contract was published.2022-10-17T11:38:15+00:00
signingPeriodExpiryTimeThe time during which a signatory can sign the contract.2022-11-01T00:00:00+00:00
contractValueAmount indicating the total value of the contract.500 USD
currencyThe currency of the amount (contractValue). The currency is inherited from the workspace in which the contract is located.USD
lifecycleStateKeeps track of the contract status.Active
lifecycleStateUpdatedTimeDate and time of the last successful update to the contract's life-cycle state.2022-10-17T11:38:15+00:00

Apart from the above contract-related data fields, Contract data fields and Party data fields are listed similarly to the 'get contract details' action’s output.

Delete contract

This action is used to delete an existing contract from Oneflow.


The ability to delete a contract depends on your role in the workspace where the contract resides.

Action inputs

The following are the inputs for the ‘Delete Contract’ action. 


Field Type


Sample Input

Oneflow Email

Email connected to Oneflow account.


[email protected]

Contract ID

The unique identifier of the contract.

Text Box


Action output

If the action runs successfully, the specified contract is deleted from Oneflow and the 'delete' status is notified. 

deleteStatus: success

Download contract

This action is used to download files from an existing Oneflow contract.


When a zap with the Download action runs, the contract is downloaded along with its attachments. Each contract will always have one file to be downloaded. 

Action inputs

The following is the input for the ‘Download Contract’ action. 


Field Type


Sample Input

Contract ID

The unique identifier of the contract.

Text Box


Action output

When this action is run, a downloadable link to the contract is provided. 

The following table contains the explanation of each of the above output attributes. 

The downloaded contract file includes all attachments and signature files (if the contract is signed) that were attached to the contract. 

AttributeDescriptionSample Value

Public link to download the contract file.

Get contract details

This action is used to retrieve the details of an existing Oneflow contract. 

Action inputs

The following are the inputs of the ‘Get Contract Details’ action.

InputDescriptionField TypeRequired?Sample Input

Contract ID

The unique identifier of the contract.

Text BoxYes


In addition to the above-required parameters, the following data fields can be retrieved optionally as additional fields, allowing users to get all the contract and party-related data.

Data fields are contract variables (also known as placeholders, custom fields, tags, etc.) that you can use in product tables, text, images, and form sections within a Oneflow contract.

  1. Contract Data Fields
  2. Party Data Fields
  3. Contract Lifecycle Fields
  4. Contract Products

Action output

When the Get contract details action is tested or run, the following contract attributes are retrieved in the output (without contract/party data fields/Contract Lifecycle Fields).

AttributeDescriptionSample Value

The unique identifier of the contract.


The name of the contract.

Sample Contract


Where the contract is in the signing process.

  • Draft: Only the owner-side can view the contract.
  • Pending: The contract is under negotiation.
  • Overdue: The contract signing period has expired, and the contract can no longer be signed. It will revert to pending if the signing period is extended.
  • Signed: All participants signed the contract. The contract is signed.
  • Declined: One participant declined the contract. The contract is declined.
  • Unknown: Used for future extensions.
signedWhether the contract is signed or not.No

The ID of the workspace that owns the template used to create the contract.


The ID of the template used to create the contract.



The time the contract was created.

(The private ownerside object contains attributes that are only visible to the owner-side party. The owner-side party is the party that created the contract.)



Indicates whether the user is allowed to delete contracts. (delete permission)



Indicates whether the user is allowed to download the contract as a PDF.true


Indicates whether the user is allowed to send contracts.false

Indicates if attachments can be uploaded to the contract via API.


Indicates if a PDF document can be uploaded to the contract via API.


Time of the last update of the contract status.



Time of the last update of the contract.



The time the contract was published.


signingPeriodExpiryTimeThe time at which the signing period of the contract will expire. The default signing period is 14 days.2023-12-08T11:38:52+00:00
contractValueAmount indicating the total value of the contract.

500 USD

currencyThe currency of the amount (contractValue). The currency is inherited from the workspace in which the contract is located.USD


Keeps track of the contract status.
To learn more, see Lifecycle states.


Time of the last update of the lifecycle status.


If additional fields were selected to be retrieved, then these fields and their details are included in the response as well. 

  • Party Data Fields - Data fields relating to the parties in a contract. Under this object, the following party attributes along with relevant participant details are retrieved. 
AttributeDescriptionSample Value
Party Id

The unique ID of the party.


Identification Number

The unique organization number of the party.


The name of the owner-side/individual party. This can be the name of the company when the party is a company.



Whether the party belongs to the current user or not.


A contract consists of multiple parties and a party can contain multiple participants. Each participant's attributes will be named in the following format: ‘party - [number of the party] - [name of the field]’ i.e. "party - 1 - participant - 1 - name". 

In the output of the Zapier action, only the first three parties of the contract are listed, along with the first three participants of each party.

The following table indicates the participant-related attributes which are retrieved related to the party data fields.

AttributeDescriptionSample Value

The unique ID of the participant.


The name of the participant.

John Doe

The title of the participant.



The participant's email address.

[email protected]

phone number

The mobile phone number of the participant.

+46 xxx xxx xxx

delivery channel

The name of the delivery channel.
To learn more, see Delivery channels.


delivery status

Indicates the status of the notification that sends the contract participant.
To learn more, see Delivery statuses.

permissions contract update

Indicates whether the participant is allowed to make changes in the contract.


sign method

Shows the selected method of signing contracts.
To learn more, see Sign methods.


sign state

The current state of the contract in the singing process.
To learn more, see Sign states.



The role of the participant.

Signatory: a party that can sign the contract, edit, and add comments.

Influencer: a party with access to the contract who can edit and add comments.

Viewer: a party with access to the contract who can add comments.

dataFields - 1 - key
dataFields - 1 - value

dataFields - n - key
dataFields - n - value
party - 1 - ID
party - 1 - Identification Number
party - 1 - name
party - 1 - My Party
party - 1 - participant - 1 - id
party - 1 - participant - 1 - name
party - 1 - participant - 1 - title
party - 1 - participant - 1 - email
[email protected]
party - 1 - participant - 1 - phone number
party - 1 - participant - 1 - delivery channel
party - 1 - participant - 1 - delivery status
party - 1 - participant - 1 - permissions contract update
party - 1 - participant - 1 - sign method
party - 1 - participant - 1 - sign state
party - 1 - participant - 1 - role
party - 1 - participant - 2 - id
party - 1 - participant - 2 - name
party - 1 - participant - 2 - title
party - 1 - participant - 2 - email
party - 1 - participant - 2 - phone number
party - 1 - participant - 2 - delivery channel
party - 1 - participant - 2 - delivery status
party - 1 - participant - 2 - permissions contract update
party - 1 - participant - 2 - sign method
party - 1 - participant - 2 - sign state
party - 1 - participant - 2 - role
party - 1 - participant - 3 - id
party - 1 - participant - 3 - name
party - 1 - participant - 3 - title
party - 1 - participant - 3 - email
party - 1 - participant - 3 - phone number
party - 1 - participant - 3 - delivery channel
party - 1 - participant - 3 - delivery status
party - 1 - participant - 3 - permissions contract update
party - 1 - participant - 3 - sign method
party - 1 - participant - 3 - sign state
party - 1 - participant - 3 - role
  • Contract Data Fields - Data fields allow a user to map information to multiple places in a contract, thus saving time and effort when creating a contract. Each data field contains a value and a key field. Currently, up to 150 data fields are supported in the Zapier x Oneflow integration along with keys and values for each field.
AttributeDescriptionSample Value
keyA short descriptive name for the data email

The value of the data field.

[email protected]
dataFields - 1 - key
dataFields - 1 - value

dataFields - n - key
dataFields - n - value

The number of fields in the contract data fields is equal to that of the selected contract’s template. For instance, if the template of the given contract has three data fields, then three key-value pairs are included in the output.

These output data attributes can then be used as inputs for other actions, sequenced after the Get contract details action in the Zap.

  • Contract Lifecycle Fields - In this context, the "lifecycle" of a contract refers to the duration of the contract after it was signed. Lifecycle setting attributes will only contain values if a duration box is added to the contract. Additionally, lifecycle state attributes will have values if all signatories have signed the contract.
InputDescriptionSample Value
contractEndTimeThe time the contract ends.



The time the contract starts.



The time the notice period starts.
Note: Notice period always behaves the same, regardless of other settings.


  • Contract Products - This allows users to map product-related information to a product table in a contract. A maximum of 3 product tables are supported per contract with each product table containing a maximum of 10 products. The following product attributes will be retrieved
Sample Value
product table id
The unique ID of the product table.
product table column label
The name of the column in the product table.
product id
The unique ID of the product.
product name
The name of the product.
product description
The description of the product.
A cheap metal
product price_1 base amount
The price 1 base amount for the product. Price 1 refers to the initial fixed price.
product price_1 discount amount
The discount amount for price 1 of the product.
product price_1 discount percentage

The discount as a percentage for price 1 of the product. 

Note: Only one discount value will be retrieved. This is either the ‘discount amount’ or the ‘discount percentage’ value.

product price_2 base amountThe secondary or alternative price for the product. 

For instance, Price 2 can be used for a monthly subscription fee.

product price_2 discount amount
The discount amount for price 2 of the product.
product price_2 discount percentage
The discount as a percentage for price 2 of the product.
product quantity type( quantity, multiple_choice, single_choice)
The quantity type of product 1 in the contract.quantity
product quantity amount
product quantity amount.
product lock for counterparty
Whether to lock the product fields such that counterparties in the contract cannot make changes to them.
product table - 1 - id
product table - 1 - column - 1 - label
product table - 1 - column - 2 - label
product table - 1 - column - 3 - label
Price 1
product table - 1 - column - 4 - label
Price 2
product table - 1 - column - 5 - label
product table - 1 - product - 1 - id
product table - 1 - product - 1 - name
Template product
product table - 1 - product - 1 - description
product table - 1 - product - 1 - price_1 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 1 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 1 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 1 - price_2 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 1 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 1 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 1 - quantity type
product table - 1 - product - 1 - quantity amount
product table - 1 - product - 1 - lock for counterparty
product table - 1 - product - 2 - id
product table - 1 - product - 2 - name
product table - 1 - product - 2 - description
product table - 1 - product - 2 - price_1 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 2 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 2 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 2 - price_2 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 2 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 2 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 2 - quantity type
product table - 1 - product - 2 - quantity amount
product table - 1 - product - 2 - lock for counterparty
product table - 1 - product - 3 - id
product table - 1 - product - 3 - name
product table - 1 - product - 3 - description
product table - 1 - product - 3 - price_1 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 3 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 3 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 3 - price_2 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 3 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 3 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 3 - quantity type
product table - 1 - product - 3 - quantity amount
product table - 1 - product - 3 - lock for counterparty
product table - 1 - product - 4 - id
product table - 1 - product - 4 - name
product table - 1 - product - 4 - description
product table - 1 - product - 4 - price_1 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 4 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 4 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 4 - price_2 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 4 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 4 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 4 - quantity type
product table - 1 - product - 4 - quantity amount
product table - 1 - product - 4 - lock for counterparty
product table - 1 - product - 5 - id
product table - 1 - product - 5 - name
product table - 1 - product - 5 - description
product table - 1 - product - 5 - price_1 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 5 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 5 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 5 - price_2 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 5 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 5 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 5 - quantity type
product table - 1 - product - 5 - quantity amount
product table - 1 - product - 5 - lock for counterparty
product table - 1 - product - 6 - id
product table - 1 - product - 6 - name
product table - 1 - product - 6 - description
product table - 1 - product - 6 - price_1 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 6 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 6 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 6 - price_2 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 6 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 6 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 6 - quantity type
product table - 1 - product - 6 - quantity amount
product table - 1 - product - 6 - lock for counterparty
product table - 1 - product - 7 - id
product table - 1 - product - 7 - name
product table - 1 - product - 7 - description
product table - 1 - product - 7 - price_1 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 7 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 7 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 7 - price_2 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 7 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 7 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 7 - quantity type
product table - 1 - product - 7 - quantity amount
product table - 1 - product - 7 - lock for counterparty
product table - 1 - product - 8 - id
product table - 1 - product - 8 - name
product table - 1 - product - 8 - description
product table - 1 - product - 8 - price_1 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 8 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 8 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 8 - price_2 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 8 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 8 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 8 - quantity type
product table - 1 - product - 8 - quantity amount
product table - 1 - product - 8 - lock for counterparty
product table - 1 - product - 9 - id
product table - 1 - product - 9 - name
product table - 1 - product - 9 - description
product table - 1 - product - 9 - price_1 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 9 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 9 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 9 - price_2 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 9 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 9 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 9 - quantity type
product table - 1 - product - 9 - quantity amount
product table - 1 - product - 9 - lock for counterparty
product table - 1 - product - 10 - id
product table - 1 - product - 10 - name
product table - 1 - product - 10 - description
product table - 1 - product - 10 - price_1 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 10 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 10 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 10 - price_2 base amount
product table - 1 - product - 10 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 1 - product - 10 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 1 - product - 10 - quantity type
product table - 1 - product - 10 - quantity amount
product table - 1 - product - 10 - lock for counterparty
product table - 2 - id
product table - 2 - column - 1 - label
product table - 2 - column - 2 - label
product table - 2 - column - 3 - label
Price 1
product table - 2 - column - 4 - label
Price 2
product table - 2 - column - 5 - label
product table - 2 - product - 1 - id
product table - 2 - product - 1 - name
Magic wand
product table - 2 - product - 1 - description
product table - 2 - product - 1 - price_1 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 1 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 1 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 1 - price_2 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 1 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 1 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 1 - quantity type
product table - 2 - product - 1 - quantity amount
product table - 2 - product - 1 - lock for counterparty
product table - 2 - product - 2 - id
product table - 2 - product - 2 - name
product table - 2 - product - 2 - description
product table - 2 - product - 2 - price_1 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 2 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 2 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 2 - price_2 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 2 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 2 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 2 - quantity type
product table - 2 - product - 2 - quantity amount
product table - 2 - product - 2 - lock for counterparty
product table - 2 - product - 3 - id
product table - 2 - product - 3 - name
product table - 2 - product - 3 - description
product table - 2 - product - 3 - price_1 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 3 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 3 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 3 - price_2 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 3 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 3 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 3 - quantity type
product table - 2 - product - 3 - quantity amount
product table - 2 - product - 3 - lock for counterparty
product table - 2 - product - 4 - id
product table - 2 - product - 4 - name
product table - 2 - product - 4 - description
product table - 2 - product - 4 - price_1 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 4 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 4 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 4 - price_2 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 4 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 4 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 4 - quantity type
product table - 2 - product - 4 - quantity amount
product table - 2 - product - 4 - lock for counterparty
product table - 2 - product - 5 - id
product table - 2 - product - 5 - name
product table - 2 - product - 5 - description
product table - 2 - product - 5 - price_1 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 5 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 5 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 5 - price_2 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 5 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 5 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 5 - quantity type
product table - 2 - product - 5 - quantity amount
product table - 2 - product - 5 - lock for counterparty
product table - 2 - product - 6 - id
product table - 2 - product - 6 - name
product table - 2 - product - 6 - description
product table - 2 - product - 6 - price_1 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 6 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 6 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 6 - price_2 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 6 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 6 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 6 - quantity type
product table - 2 - product - 6 - quantity amount
product table - 2 - product - 6 - lock for counterparty
product table - 2 - product - 7 - id
product table - 2 - product - 7 - name
product table - 2 - product - 7 - description
product table - 2 - product - 7 - price_1 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 7 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 7 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 7 - price_2 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 7 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 7 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 7 - quantity type
product table - 2 - product - 7 - quantity amount
product table - 2 - product - 7 - lock for counterparty
product table - 2 - product - 8 - id
product table - 2 - product - 8 - name
product table - 2 - product - 8 - description
product table - 2 - product - 8 - price_1 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 8 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 8 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 8 - price_2 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 8 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 8 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 8 - quantity type
product table - 2 - product - 8 - quantity amount
product table - 2 - product - 8 - lock for counterparty
product table - 2 - product - 9 - id
product table - 2 - product - 9 - name
product table - 2 - product - 9 - description
product table - 2 - product - 9 - price_1 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 9 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 9 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 9 - price_2 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 9 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 9 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 9 - quantity type
product table - 2 - product - 9 - quantity amount
product table - 2 - product - 9 - lock for counterparty
product table - 2 - product - 10 - id
product table - 2 - product - 10 - name
product table - 2 - product - 10 - description
product table - 2 - product - 10 - price_1 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 10 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 10 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 10 - price_2 base amount
product table - 2 - product - 10 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 2 - product - 10 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 2 - product - 10 - quantity type
product table - 2 - product - 10 - quantity amount
product table - 2 - product - 10 - lock for counterparty
product table - 3 - id
product table - 3 - column - 1 - label
product table - 3 - column - 2 - label
product table - 3 - column - 3 - label
Price 1
product table - 3 - column - 4 - label
Price 2
product table - 3 - column - 5 - label
product table - 3 - product - 1 - id
product table - 3 - product - 1 - name
product table - 3 - product - 1 - description
product table - 3 - product - 1 - price_1 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 1 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 1 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 1 - price_2 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 1 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 1 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 1 - quantity type
product table - 3 - product - 1 - quantity amount
product table - 3 - product - 1 - lock for counterparty
product table - 3 - product - 2 - id
product table - 3 - product - 2 - name
product table - 3 - product - 2 - description
product table - 3 - product - 2 - price_1 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 2 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 2 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 2 - price_2 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 2 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 2 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 2 - quantity type
product table - 3 - product - 2 - quantity amount
product table - 3 - product - 2 - lock for counterparty
product table - 3 - product - 3 - id
product table - 3 - product - 3 - name
product table - 3 - product - 3 - description
product table - 3 - product - 3 - price_1 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 3 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 3 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 3 - price_2 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 3 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 3 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 3 - quantity type
product table - 3 - product - 3 - quantity amount
product table - 3 - product - 3 - lock for counterparty
product table - 3 - product - 4 - id
product table - 3 - product - 4 - name
product table - 3 - product - 4 - description
product table - 3 - product - 4 - price_1 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 4 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 4 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 4 - price_2 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 4 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 4 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 4 - quantity type
product table - 3 - product - 4 - quantity amount
product table - 3 - product - 4 - lock for counterparty
product table - 3 - product - 5 - id
product table - 3 - product - 5 - name
product table - 3 - product - 5 - description
product table - 3 - product - 5 - price_1 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 5 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 5 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 5 - price_2 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 5 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 5 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 5 - quantity type
product table - 3 - product - 5 - quantity amount
product table - 3 - product - 5 - lock for counterparty
product table - 3 - product - 6 - id
product table - 3 - product - 6 - name
product table - 3 - product - 6 - description
product table - 3 - product - 6 - price_1 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 6 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 6 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 6 - price_2 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 6 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 6 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 6 - quantity type
product table - 3 - product - 6 - quantity amount
product table - 3 - product - 6 - lock for counterparty
product table - 3 - product - 7 - id
product table - 3 - product - 7 - name
product table - 3 - product - 7 - description
product table - 3 - product - 7 - price_1 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 7 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 7 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 7 - price_2 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 7 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 7 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 7 - quantity type
product table - 3 - product - 7 - quantity amount
product table - 3 - product - 7 - lock for counterparty
product table - 3 - product - 8 - id
product table - 3 - product - 8 - name
product table - 3 - product - 8 - description
product table - 3 - product - 8 - price_1 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 8 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 8 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 8 - price_2 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 8 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 8 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 8 - quantity type
product table - 3 - product - 8 - quantity amount
product table - 3 - product - 8 - lock for counterparty
product table - 3 - product - 9 - id
product table - 3 - product - 9 - name
product table - 3 - product - 9 - description
product table - 3 - product - 9 - price_1 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 9 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 9 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 9 - price_2 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 9 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 9 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 9 - quantity type
product table - 3 - product - 9 - quantity amount
product table - 3 - product - 9 - lock for counterparty
product table - 3 - product - 10 - id
product table - 3 - product - 10 - name
product table - 3 - product - 10 - description
product table - 3 - product - 10 - price_1 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 10 - price_1 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 10 - price_1 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 10 - price_2 base amount
product table - 3 - product - 10 - price_2 discount amount
product table - 3 - product - 10 - price_2 discount percentage
product table - 3 - product - 10 - quantity type
product table - 3 - product - 10 - quantity amount
product table - 3 - product - 10 - lock for counterparty

Send contract

This action is used to send or publish a contract (that already exists in Oneflow) to the participants of the contract. The Send contract action allows inviting participants to sign/view the contract.

Action inputs

InputDescriptionField TypeRequired?Sample Input

Email Type

The type of user email: Creator Email or User Email.DropdownYesUser Email/Creator Email

Oneflow Email

The email address used in the Oneflow account.

Text BoxYes* (If the email type is set to ‘User Email’)

[email protected]

Contract ID

The unique identifier of the contract.

Text BoxYes57313

The subject of the contract invitation message. The invitation is sent to all contract participants according to the delivery channel.

The subject field may contain a maximum of 150 characters.

Text BoxYes

Your contract subject


The message that will be displayed under the subject of the contract invitation. This invitation is sent to all contract participants through the delivery channel.

The message field may contain a maximum of 5000 characters.

Text Area


Your message 

Action output

Once the above details are specified and the contract is sent successfully, a link to the contract published is provided to the user. This link can be used to access/view the contract in Oneflow.

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