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To keep your workspace super-organised and structured so all documents are easy to find, you can create folders and subfolders in the specific document archive of a Workspace. 

How to create folders

  1. Select a workspace > Go to Documents
  2. Click on the folder icon or + Add folder to create your first folder.

Once you have created a folder, you can choose to add a subfolders.

How to create subfolders

  1. Go to Documents > Find the folder you wish to add a subfolder.
  2. Click on the action menu >  Add subfolder > Enter a name.
  3. To add another subfolder to an existing subfolder, click on the action menu > add subfolder.

You can change name, delete, and add folders/subfolder by clicking on the action menu on the right of that folder.

How to move documents to folders and subfolders

If you already have documents in the Workspace, this is how you move them in to a folder.

  1. Go to Documents > Fins a document you want to move.
  2. Click on the action menu > move to.
  3. Select the folder/subfolder you want to move the document to > move.

How to connect a folder to a template

Do you want documents that are created from a specific template to end up in a specific folder? No problem!

  1. Go to Templates > select a template you want to connect with a folder.
  2. Go to settings > Open General > Click on + select folder.
  3. Select a folder you wish your documents should be saved when created.

  • You can create up to 500 folders per workspace. 
  • A folder can have three different levels. You can have a subfolders within a subfolders.
  • You can't move subfolders to other folders - only individual documents.
Who can manage folders on an account?
Folders are controlled based on workspaces permissions. Users who do not have this permission cannot manage folders and structure.

You can create a new role or edit an existing role to allow you and your colleagues to manage folders.

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