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Sign later

This feature is included in our Business and Enterprise plan.

Sign later

Do you need to send a document to someone without the signing option enabled? Perhaps an offer that needs negotiating before the signing. Then sign later is for you!

By enabling the sign later feature, you can send a document to a counterpart without them being able to sign the document, until you chose to make it possible at the right time. This takes negotiations and the process before a document is signed to the next level!

Activate sign later

  1. Create a new document. 
  2. Add a counterparty and prepare the document to be sent.
  3. Click on additional options and turn on sign later.
  4. Send the document.

Disable sign later 

When the document is ready to be signed, you can enable the signing by turning off sign later the same way you turned it on.

  1. Go to the document.
  2. Click on additional options and disable sign later.
  3. Set an appropriate signing period.
  4. Write a new message, this will notify you counterparty that the document now can be signed.

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