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In this article, you will be able to read more about the features and integrations we offer. This is where you as an administrator can activate SSO, integrate Oneflow with your CRM system, activate template groups, data fields, webhooks and also signatures with electronic ID and handwritten signature.

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Handwritten signature

Handwritten signature, also known as wet ink signature, can be convenient when you want your signatory to sign “on the same device”. This method enables you to draw or write your signature, and has the same legal effect as a standard electronic signature (SES).

Electronic IDs

Electronic IDs allows documents to be signed with different Electronic IDs. You can have both the stand alone methods and the E-ID Hub method activated at the same time.

AI Assist

One of our AI-powered features is AI Assist, which allows you to make real-time edits with the help of AI directly within your contract.


With SMS activated on your account you’ll be able to take advantage of another delivery method outside of email. Enabling SMS gives you these options:

  • Sign documents with 6 digit code  - Signing with SMS provides an additional layer of identification in signatures. 
  • Send document invitations .
  • Send notifications. 
  • Use two step authentication - This method ensures that only the intended recipients can access documents you send for signing.


If you're currently using another system and wish to integrate it with Oneflow, the activation process takes place here. Each integration comes with its own distinctive activation method. We provide a variety of articles that guide you through the step-by-step process of integrating the system with your Oneflow account

Single sign-on (SSO)

Single sign-on allows your Single sign-on (SAML) system to integrate with Oneflow.

Template groups

Data fields are a powerful feature that enables you to link information to multiple locations within a document, significantly streamlining the document creation process. To get started with data fields, you'll first need to activate template groups.


Webhooks allow you to integrate with Oneflow by receiving callbacks whenever there is a new event in one of your documents. The callback request will contain a JSON-formatted body that may be used for example to update an opportunity in a CRM application.

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