Please note collections are now called workspaces.
This feature allows you to create contracts from any Salesforce object. You can specify from which field Party Name and Party Org Number should come and which data fields to send on contract creation.
Before beginning the setup process, please take a moment to confirm the following:
- System Administrator: The user is a System Administrator in Salesforce.
- Oneflow Administrator: The user has Oneflow Administrator Permission Set assigned.
- Oneflow: The user is a Oneflow Administrator in Oneflow.
Follow these steps to set up:
- Drag and drop our lightning component OneflowContractList to the desired object page layout.
- Click Configure in OneflowContractList.
- Choose which fields should be the Party Name and Party Number from this object. Optionally, choose data fields to send when a contract is created from this object.
- Add the object to the participants' flow. Check our article Customize information shown to participants when creating a contract for any object. (Optional for Opportunity, Account, Contact, and Lead.)
Note: Keep in mind that out-of-the-box Opportunity is already pre-configured.
An example of a lead is shown in the video below:
After the setup, to change the configuration of this feature:
- Navigate to a record and click the Configure option in the OneflowContractList component.
- The following wizard appears.
- Choose data fields to be sent to Oneflow (optional).
- Choose Party Name and Party Org Number.