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AI Assist

AI Assist

At Oneflow, we are committed to providing advanced tools that enhance your contract management experience. One of our AI-powered features is AI Assist, which allows you to make real-time edits with the help of AI directly within your contract. This feature leverages readily available language models, such as OpenAI's GPT models, to assist with text generation, language refinement, and more. However, it's important to understand that while these AI tools are powerful, they have limitations and may occasionally produce incorrect or incomplete information.

How AI Assist works

AI Assist analyzes your request along with any text you choose to highlight within your contract to provide adjustments. AI Assist is powered by large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI's GPT models, which are pre-trained on vast datasets of publicly available text. These models are designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input they receive.

AI Assist and data privacy

It's important to note that these LLMs are not trained on any customer-specific data from our platform. Instead, they rely on general language patterns and knowledge derived from OpenAI’s training data. Moreover, what you share while using AI Assist will not be used to improve these AI models.  This ensures that your data remains secure and private. With AI Assist, you control what you highlight and share as part of your request.

Why AI may produce incorrect information

Despite the sophistication of these LLMs, they are not infallible. Here are some reasons why AI Assist might produce incorrect or incomplete information:

  1. Generalized Training Data: The AI models we use are trained on general text data, not on legal documents or customer-specific contracts. This can lead to inaccuracies when interpreting specialized legal language or context-specific nuances.
  2. Complexity of Legal Language: Contracts often contain intricate legal terminology and clauses that may be difficult for AI to fully comprehend. While AI Assist can suggest edits or flag issues, it may not always capture the full legal intent behind the text.
  3. Ambiguity in Contracts: Legal documents can include ambiguous language that requires expert interpretation. AI Assist may offer suggestions based on its general understanding of language, but it may not accurately resolve legal ambiguities.
  4. Model Limitations: LLMs are powerful but have inherent limitations, including the potential to generate plausible-sounding but incorrect or irrelevant information. These models do not have access to real-time legal updates or specific contract nuances.
  5. No Continuous Learning from User Data: Since AI Assist does not learn from customer data, it lacks the ability to improve or adapt based on specific contract patterns unique to your business. This means that AI Assist’s suggestions remain generic and may not always align perfectly with your needs.

Mitigating the risks

To ensure that you get the most out of AI Assist, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Carefully Review AI Suggestions: Always review the AI-generated suggestions and edits thoroughly before making any final decisions. Use them as a guide, not as a definitive solution.
  • Consult Legal Professionals: While AI Assist can help streamline the editing process, it should not replace professional legal advice. Always consult with legal experts for critical contract decisions.
  • Provide Feedback: If you encounter inaccuracies or irrelevant suggestions, please provide feedback through our support platform. This helps us improve the feature and ensure better accuracy in future updates.
  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest legal trends and regulations related to your contracts. This will help you better assess the AI's output and make informed decisions.

Our commitment to your success

At Oneflow we are dedicated to continuously improving the accuracy and reliability of our AI-powered features. We work closely with industry leaders, update our models regularly, and integrate user feedback to enhance the performance of our inline editing tool.

We appreciate your understanding of the AI's capabilities and limitations and encourage you to use it as a complementary tool alongside human expertise. Together, we can achieve more efficient, accurate, and effective contract management.

For more information or assistance, please feel free to contact our support team.

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